Emergency tree removal
If you have a fallen tree or storm damage then please call us for an emergency call out. Available 24/7.
A fallen Leylandii
This Leylandii failed on a Saturday due to heavy winds. As we do 24 hour callout we were there within 20 minutes and our team got the job done. Also to stop this from ever happening again we reduced the Leylandii by half its size in height.

Silver birch down!
Emergency call out on a Silver birch that had fallen down due to the winds.

Removing a tree after being hit by a drunk driver!!
This was an emergency call out, I never had the time to get a before photo of the actual trees over the road because they were so dangerous, I had to get on with the job and move them off the road before I could start the rest of the work.
A drink driver caused me to have no breakfast this morning and attend this job.